10 marketing/biz reminders to keep in mind throughout 2023:
Including why you don't need to be jealous of entrepreneur bro's flexing "how much money they made" as that never tells the full story...(details inside)
1. Everyone who posts on social media has less money than you think they do
> One “giveaway” that they aren’t turning over “many millions” is how excited they get over a $3k or $5k deal in private…while posting publicly about millions.
Huh? 🤔
2. Anyone who says they “made $200k” on a launch or E-commerce thing (likely) loses 50%-90% of that $200k on ads/contractor costs
So, always ask them what they made “net” not “gross”
It’s still an achievement to make good money gross, but in terms of you feeling bad about it-you shouldn’t.
Ad costs wipe out businesses every single day.
3. Investing in NFT’s can be researched, but it’s still gambling. Only insider trading amongst scammers and thieves bring “guaranteed” returns
…Everyone else is either trying to sell you something, or (even worse) using you as their exit liquidity
People don’t post about their financial losses publicly, *especially* when their livelihood is selling you courses about how good they are at investing.
4. Small, consistent wins tend to give you more money and freedom over the long term then going all-in on riskier projects
“Slow money is better than no money” as the rap slogan goes 💯
I have a big article coming on the terrible state of “entrepreneurship”, and how much it’s slid in the past ten years.
All the attention has moved from “real” businesses and startups, to “quick” money (crypto/NFT’s/dropshipping courses/real estate flipping etc) which prey on people’s need to not work hard.
But working hard and getting “small” money is far more likely to work in the short and long term.
Leave the investing to the insider traders 😫
5. People who really are “crushing it” have no life outside of business
I literally have almost zero memories of socialising in LA the year I made a million dollars.
I knew it was the price of success so I don’t mind, but remember the person you’re envious of is living a 🥱boring🥱 life.
Maybe once a month they make a camera opportunity of an event to pretend they have a life, but it’s 14+ hours a day on your screen to do what the giants do
(yes, this includes people in Crypto/NFT’s ethically, it is possible but extremely hard work - If you miss an airdrop or whitelist from being away from your desk that could be the biggest opportunity that month gone)
6. Treating your personal and romantic life like a business is a good idea
As in, think about what a funnel would look like to make friends or a lover/girlfriend/boyfriend -
You would need to find a way to meet a collection of people (friends) or potential dates in bulk then the good ones remain until you find ones worth spending time with.
Try and block out time away from “work work” to do this, it hits you at times like birthdays, Christmas, and new year that you…don’t have too much going on besides work.
7. Doing nothing can be a GREAT strategy.
Taking a deep breath from hustle allows you to think clearly and choose next projects with more intention.
I had my best client EVER after I “retired” (took a break from posting on social media, didn;t chase getting new clients etc) and said “no” to people trying to hire me for a year.
The offers got better and better from people trying to hire me until I said yes to that one.
Likewise last summer I took a step back, and two new businesses found me.
Don’t keep thrashing about in the ocean of things that are hard work as they make you money-bigger things could be just around the corner.
Tied to this- Don’t start a business that can’t easily scale into something that doesn’t require your time and direct work.
Both of my main businesses are now this way (including running this Substack, which I want to do full time!) Each paid subscriber moves me one step closer to going “all in” on making these posts even better for you! Here’s a sneaky offer if you haven’t signed up yet:
8. (Caveat) - If you want to say “NO MORE ENTREPRENEURSHIP! I’M TIRED OF THE HUSTLE I WANT SOMETHING STABLE” that’s fine too.
When that one big whale client came along, I LOVED being an “employee”.
I didn’t have to make no content, do no sales calls, give no talks, etc. I just did my work, clocked off, collected my cheque.
(I’m hustling again now, but loved those 18 months away from the grind)
Now you’re reading these posts as I attract potential clients for my influencer agency who want to grow NFT, crypto, app, or gaming projects. VINCEPTION, you heard?????
bigup yourself for reading to the end - you care about your growth and I thank you for that!
Any questions let me know in the comments!