40 lifehacks to protect you from failing in business
I know this article has been done 10,000 times already, but this is really good stuff! It takes BRAVERY to answer some of these questions. But success is on the other side of knowing why you're scared
let people tell you no. don’t make the decision for them. (i.e. follow up lots! - Vin)
expectation of progress towards a goal is key to motivation. we are not motivated if don’t know next step. we are not motivated if we don’t know what the goal is
when sending/receiving important email, snooze it for the date when you want to follow up
set 1 hour timers to surface thoughts in a google doc and 3m timers to write down next steps.
the more you know, the more easily you can see the next steps.
key about naps: no need to sleep. brain never fully on, never fully off. If I took a 20 minute nap and didn’t fall asleep, i just took an excellent 10 minute nap!
if you don’t have consistent scheduled time for your top goals, you don’t have top goals
what are you being a coward about? be specific
what are you ashamed of? be specific
what makes you angry? be specific
everything has an MVP & final version. MVP can usually be done in 10% of the time with a timer for 5-10-15 minutes & ensures you don’t get stuck. what’s the mvp of your current top goal?
working on the hardest problems requires incredible amount of courage. acknowledge & embrace fear.
strong intuition doesn’t mean intuition is right.
even if high level intuition is right, without grounding actionable implications likely completely wrong.
seek ground truth and poke reality. don’t settle for proxies or for winning arguments.
never defer key beliefs. do everything possible to find ppl thinking from first principles rather than from what’s reasonable or what someone else believes
be suspicious if you haven’t felt awkward today
ppl good at thinking think that thinking is everything; people good at doing think that doing is everything. doers dismiss thinkers & thinkers are scared of doers.
if there’s something on your mind, write it down & get it out. maintain full attention on what you’re doing.
if you did a sequence of actions 3 times, make a checklist
if you have a thought and you don’t like it, you can tell your brain that you don’t like it and drop it.
add questions & ideas you want to get back to later to anki, snooze tabs, schedule them in asana.
send cold emails. assume that everyone is a friend.
always have a timer on top & use it to avoid getting stuck
be sus if you haven’t spent a few years feeling like a loser when everyone else was getting ahead
if you never feel a particular emotion, it’s probably the brain suppressing awareness of it or suppressing the emotion directly
people think that others have same motivations as them
people protect themselves by projecting their fears on others
you can decide to pay or not to pay attention to things
what’s the default decision?
be sus whenever you want to read & research instead of figuring something out yourself. it’s usually avoidance caused by fear.
grab a piece of paper and write a feelings diagram asking “why” endlessly
run, don’t walk. literally. “Slow is fake”
poke at whatever your 15-year old self felt & believed in.
you’ll learn 10x more by talking to the paper’s author for 30 minutes versus reading it for 30 minutes
you can’t improve what you can’t measure. if you want to improve on ground-truth, measure ground-truth
never give up
be as specific as possible. “agi takeoff fast”: define “agi” “takeoff” “fast”
we become the people whose opinion we care about
we become the people we spend the most time (physically and mentally) with
Reposted under Creative Commons via guzey.com
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