8 ways a newsletter business is a safer bet to 1milli+ in revenue
If you've tried, and failed, the below is a better model for quick revenue WITHOUT selling hard. If you hate hustle culture, you'll like this (lol)
I have wasted months, maybe years, of my life, coming up with, planning, creating content for, and trying to push offers that no one wanted.
Some of the best years of my life not exactly wasted, but MAN If I had the newsletter biz model ten years ago, I wonder what I’d be doing in life now.
Anyway, if you want to retire like I do, read “8 ways a newsletter business is a safer bet to 1milli+ in revenue”L
You won’t get the offer (The thing you’re selling) wrong in a newsletter business.
Within the first 30 days of you having a newsletter (and having 1k+ subscribers), you’ll be able to monetise it via recommending other newsletters and running ads in your newsletter.
Near-instant moneyback on adspend.
You can grow your audience at a cost close to zero because you can instantly monetise them by being paid to recommend that they follow other newsletters who will pay you very good money.
By not asking anyone to buy anything, you are massively decreasing the chance Facebook, Google, or anyone else will ban or limit your ads.
You’re asking people to take a free action (“Sign up to a newsletter”) Facebook and Google like that.
You don’t have to search for affiliates.
There are new softwares popping up all the time you can use to grow your newsletter.
These services have endless people looking to pay you to send them subscribers, or swap a shoutout in your newsletter for a shoutout in someone else’s which has the same audience
Much easier to create a “faceless” brand.
You don’t need to be on video, you probably don’t even need pictures in your newsletter!
So if you feel burned out by being the face of your company, a newsletter business could be amazing for you.
You can close to instantly make your money back on your adspend because the people who sign up to your newsletter can be offered other newsletters to subscribe to, who will pay you for every active subscriber.
This is VERY different to “paying to get a follower or subscriber for free and *hoping* with fingers crossed that they will buy something later.
And with a growing audience and more money coming in, you can hire people to remove yourself from the business!
You’ve been meaning to do that for a while, right? ;)
The business plan is laid out, you don’t need to do any thinking.
You’ll get paid to send subscribers to other newsletters, and for people to advertise in your newsletter.
All you have to focus on is writing great content, an engine for getting subscribers in (like ads, if you work with us)
Email growth platforms have AMAZING referral systems built into their platform.
So if someone recommends three people to sign up, theyb get one prize, if they recommend 5 they get another, if they recommend 10 maybe they get a free one-on-one consult with you on Zoom!
This turns your fans into little selling machines, ensuring it is much less likely that you won’t have enough people in your audience to make this a viable business.
If you want to grow a newsletter with me, let’s talk!
I need money upfront to scale my ads to $1,000+ a day so am offering discounted rates for those who want to grow in the business/marketing/engrepreneur niche by being in my recommended newsletters.
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