Pills - It is NOT NORMAL to sit at a laptop sex or seven days a week focusing on difficult challenges.
Humans have not lived like this.
Many of the highest-earners I know use pills to enable themselves to do this.
ADHD meds work best: Adderall, Vyvanse, Ritalin/Concerta, Modafinil are the “big four”.
Total sacrifice - Elon musk, even now when he can hire anyone to do anything, often sleeps on the couch in his office.
He leaves behind him a trail of children he never sees. Steve Jobs abandoned his daughter on his quest.
Total sacrifice.
No TV/entertainment content - Some simply never watch anything not relevant to their job.
Mr. Beast has pretty much never watched a movie or TV show.
No friends - Straightforward enough.
As for romance?
I’ve always said “Hope you’ve got a partner when u start a biz as u absolutely will have no time to find one if you’re serious about making enough money to buy a house or live off passive income from your earlier hard work.
Ignoring health warnings - Caffeine and pills are a dangerous combo. Anxiety, depression, sleeping too much or too little?
There are pills to solve the problems other pills cause.
But that’s a road which often leads to exhaustion, collapse, heart attacks, even suicide attempts.
Strict diet, often that never changes in order to not get sleepy or tired after eating (I’ve eaten the same 3 meals with the same ingredients for almost ten years)
No alcohol.
One of the easiest changes to make.
I drank less and less every year for about 10 years running, then went back last Autumn.
I need a release! :P
Fad science - Biohacking has many things that are “real” and have proven health effects (float tanks, saunas, etc) but most of it is total crap that high-achievers get hoodwinked into believing through junk science.
Case in point:
There is NO evidence most supplements work, even vitamins (Vitamin D one of the few that has been proven to be real)
No sex/ “semen retention” 🤮🤢 The less said about this one the better lol
By and large, I do not look down on most of the above.
*Nothing* guarantees success, but you are gonna need to do a lot of work to get there.
The only shortcut I know of is ChatGPT.
A lot of you reading this are put off writing content, or making video content, and see a massive disconnect between you and "famous" people.
By creating great content, by HELPING a lot of people, by doing this with NO expectation of return and creating this content FOR FREE, you become an authority in your space and cultivate your own "halo effect".
But up until recently, this was impossible to do at scale.
Everyone knows they need to be putting out a lot of content, but no one has the time/knows what to post/when to post it/how to post it.
I recently found a solution to this problem, but before I get to that…
I have bought high-ticket coaching packages without knowing what is in the package, I have gone to millionaire masterminds which cost thousands of dollars to attend, for no reason other than guestlist was full of people I admired.
When people know, like, and trust you, you can get big things wrong and they'll purchase from you, and you don't have to "follow the rules" other companies do.
You only need to be "famous" to a very, very small group of people in the business world to be paid handsomely, live a very fun life, and touch a lot of people.
Make those leads hot and begging to work with you, don't leave them going home alone like I had to do that night in Hollywood (lol)
And if you want to know how to do that easily, at scale?
I’ve developed a “hyper posting strategy” using software and ChatGPT.
It has quadrupled my reach across Facebook and Linkedin, and I will be scaling it to other platforms too.
It’s easy, and anyone can do it.
If you want to hear how I did it, hit reply and I will send you information.
Totally, brutally honest - which is why I love this content. The reward for me is passive income. Our parents had pensions, we need to create these for ourselves. For me it's the joy of building something that has the potential to create security for me in the long run. Keep creating!
1 - Ok, this one is real. I get 10x as much done on Moda
2 - #sad - not worth money
3 - I don't understand how. Mentally, I'm exhausted after work. If I do go on runs like this, I'm burnt out within months. They must do something.
4 - The point of life imo. No point in having money without these
5 - Stupid idea
6 - Boring but probably super effective
7 - 1000% yes. Alcohol is fun, but a literal poison.
8 - Total crap agree
9 - Should be no porn. The rest is super healthy and natural to do.