Looking to start a new biz teaching/coaching/counsulting as a sidehustle in 2023? Here are four niches with evergreen HIGH engagement:
The definition of madness is trying to start a new business in a market too small to build a career out of...Here are four spaces that will have a big audience for a long time...
1. Why to be in the money online/business/marketing niche in 2023:
Crypto & NFT’s were the hot ticket during the crypto waves.
This year, it’s Chat GPT and A.I.
People don’t want to work, they want to get money fast.
Find legitimate ways to help people with it and this is an easier sale.
CAVEAT: The thing you sell must work!
No matter how good your funnel is…
No matter how many sales you get…
…If the buyer uses it and it doesn’t work, they will never buy your more expensive products/services.
Tip: Most coachses/consultants not only don’t make money on their low-priced products ($99 or less) most use them as loss leaders (they LOSE money to acquire a client!) to later get clients to buy their higher-ticket packages.
2. Why to be in the money Lose weight/fitness niche in 2023:
Almost everyone wants to weigh less/look better in this Instagram/Tiktok age.
Here in Mexico my neigbbour invited me out to dinner.
We got to talking about dating and she said:
“Online dating has changed everything. I didn’t have much attention from boys ever in my life.
When my friends recommended online dating, I got in shape, took some nice pictures, and I have more choice than I’ve ever had in my life”
People want to look good now more than ever.
Bonus: Gym clothes show a lot of skin, so, makes people think of sex.
Sex sells (careful of posting skin on social networks though, they can detect it and nerf posts or not let you run ads to them)
3. Why to be in the “dating/get laid: niche in 2023:
Smaller market than the rest of this list but an entire generation of men don’t know how to talk to girls as they’ve grown up on their phones.
This market will grow and grow.
(If any guys have problems dating I have some resources I’m happy to send you for free, just email me or DM me on Instagram @vin_clancy)
4. Why to be in the Food niche in 2023:
Everyone needs to eat so we all have this in common.
Alex Becker’s recent post on food was so good.
Remember: when selling info products, you must solve ONE specific problem, not “The ultimate guide - everything you need to know” just solve ONE problem.
Some of my favourite examples are the X without Y formula,
Where X = thing you want
And Y = biggest fear of your client:
How to know when a girl wants you to kiss her (drop email to find out)
How to improve your marriage…without talking to your wife about it
How to lose weight…without giving up chocolate”
Nutrition is one of the most junk sciences in existence, as there are very little controls set for medical experiments, particularly over long periods of time, amongst other sins, soooo…opportunity? 🥲
The eagle-eyed will notice I only put four of the five niches I promised in teh title here.
I’m tryna get y’all more engaged to build a community (I know many of you are smart so I want you to be helping others, not just my voice all the time)
So, first commenter who recommends a fifth niche that has high engagement I’ll retweet anything they want to my 80,000 Twitter followers, and gift them a free subscription to my paid plan/articles/ebooks for one month! Go comment!
P.s. Shoutout to
for his legendary statement which I have often repeated in my talks and articles:“People will only ever pay for three things - Get laid, get paid, lose weight” 😅
It inspired this article :)
If you want more articles like this, PLEASE let me know in the comments.
I am literally here to serve you, if you want an article written on ANYTHING (relevant to business/marketing) drop it below and there’s a good chance I will write it and shout you out in the article!
Making friends. Or just building relationships in general (not only dating). People get so lonely nowadays. There must be a good opportunity there.