My advice to someone who wants to make money online in 2023 if they have zero money and zero contacts:
WARNING: Contains hard truths many entrepreneurs just aren't ready to hear. I've personally mentored hundreds of people- here's 11 behaviours that could change everything for you:
1. Get comfortable with reaching out to people and following up.
Posting content will help magnetise your ideal audience to you but don’t chicken out of reaching out too-it’s the cheat code shy people are scared to use. Use it!
2. Get comfortable with posting content every single day.
Spend a day joining every relevant Facebook group in your niche for places to post.
Once accepted leave the 90% of the groups that are spam (only stay if posts have engagement)
Post value posts and reply to people's questions in those groups (i.e. be “useful”). Relevant people will add you (This is far better than posting to no one when you don’t have an audience)
Also: Become a “reply guy/girl” - reply in depth with “how to” value posts on key posts in those groups.
Read these :
Bonus: Don’t be precious with your content. Most writers and speakers mess this up by keeping the good stuff so they get hired, but get hired less because of it.
3. Find out who is the best at providing X service your your niche, find people who want to hire X, connect them.
Then when people need to hire X you can intro them right away and you’ll have a truly solid connection. You can also charge the person you bring the lead to a % of every sale you bring them if you get good at them.
4. If you say you’re gonna do something, like make an intro to someone, do it right away, don’t wait 2 days or have people follow up with you.
5. Say no to working with bad products/clients.
if you’re doing marketing you won’t get them good results as no matter how much traffic you bring them…it won’t convert. Then they’ll blame you 🤡
6. Read someone’s bio on FB/Linkedin before accepting their add.
If it's the wrong industry they won’t like your posts and it’ll kill your page rank.
If unsure, message them and say hi and a short message- If they don’t reply, they were never gonna be a “connection” anyway, just wanted to steal yours
7. Show up on time (or at all!) for meetings, even Skype ones.
Turn on desktop and phone updates for your Google calendar.
When the notification pops up 10 minutes before, join the meeting so the second they join you are there :)
Occasionally something comes up and you need to shift it immediately, but amazing how many people miss meetings outright and apologize at some point after.
People remember these things
8. Don’t forget you are an investor, in how you spend your time.
Every minute matters- Reading/writing/doing extra work on planes, in Ubers, on Friday/Saturday nights- it all adds up to a competitive advantage
9. Have a “smell the leather” moment ASAP.
I.e. if you wanted a Bentley, you would go to a showroom, sit in the car, smell the leather, to inspire you to eventually buy one (Smell/experience create much more powerful memories/motivation than reading about or watching something on a screen).
Another is to go and view million dollar houses to inspire you to one day get it for your family, etc.
You’ll need to break your negative mindset that money is “bad”.
If you’ve ever dunked on someone for being “rich”, you have a bad money mindset.
Fine to dunk on nasty *individuals* who are rich, but the majority of “rich” people are self-made, from one-person companies all the way up to billionaires.
I got off welfare, travelled the world, earn more in one hour than I used to for a 40-hour week + 1 hour travel each day Monday-Friday.
Money has given me space to spend time writing posts like this to help people around the world.
As I write this, I’m out here in Cabo, Mexico, working outside in the sun right now with a big smile on my face.
Money is the reason I’m here :)
10. Control your emotions. Everything is personal, especially rejection.
Frame your personal life, love life, family relationships with the same logic you use to analyze business situations- It takes the sting out of them and helps you put things in their place fast (act without emotion)
Don’t be “all business”. People like to work with people they like.
It’s easy to want to be “mr. formal professional biz guy” 24/7.
There’s definitely an aspect of that you need, buuuuut I’d also recommend:
Having five great stories you can tell at conference after parties that are NOTHING to do with business to make people be shocked/laugh/like you.
Imagine you’re on a Saturday night talk show like Conan.
You would not believe the six and seven-figure agency deals that get closed over boozy lunches and stories.
Bonus: Once you have money coming in:
1. Cherish having too much to do and too many opportunities when it happens.
Most people have the opposite problem, and don’t have not nearly enough clients/inflow. Dan Kennedy says: “Your business is either one or ther other. ther eis no inbetween”.
2. Don’t spend two hours per day on “mindset”, but don’t ignore it either.
If you find meditation does absolutely nothing and you still have thoughts non-stop, try a floatation tank, known as “meditation on steroids” will help you see the power. Really life-changing stuff, I dare say it’s like taking drugs :P
3. “Smart people learn from their mistakes. Geniuses learn from the mistakes of others rather than making them themselves”
Always read and buy info products from people who are experts in fields that can improve your life like relationships, business, diet, dating, and exercise.
There are *some* free resources that can change everything, but the up-to-the-minute ideas and new discoveries are often paid.
One reason my brand has done so well despite never investing in ads (until I launched this Substack!) was there is just so little up-to-the-minute useful info in this space.
But it doesn’t matter how good the information is if you’re not coachable.
Don’t presume you know everything, the people who write these guides live the stuff you don’t have time to get good at.
There’s an online dating guide I was recommded which blew my mind. The author went on thousands of dates (and swapped notes with others doing the same) and made a comprehensive guide which is the front-end for a very lucrative coaching business (email or Dm me if you want to see it I’ll send it) - This one resource would save someone who’s new to dating apps hundreds of hours of pain.
But you’d have to be in the space to know it exists.
Don’t try and do it all solo.
Post content, start and join conversations, get out there
Have five great stories you can tell at conference after parties that are NOTHING to do with business to make people be shocked/laugh/like you. ~I’m super awkward socially so this might be good to have on the back burner if I’m going to events. I prob should be. But...the awkwardness and anxiety 😥 but this can be for posting content too.
“You would not believe the six and seven-figure agency deals that get closed over boozy lunches and stories.” Where do i sign up for this? 😂 Ex: Tequila Jen dropped her I-phone in the tub and had to get a new one. To be fair it was REALLY GOOD tequila. Sneaks up and wallops ya! So now I’ll def make a post on this and tie it in to business.