The day I woke up with grammies tickets in my inbox 😱🤯
I called my best friend and said “Put your suit in dry cleaning, I’m taking us to the grammies!” He was like "bro what" - This is the story of one of the best days of my life:
This picture is me flexing hard at the grammies.
One of my favorite photos ever taken of me.
Genuinely one of the most exciting days of my life.
So how did this happen?
I was working with Universal Music Group.
I was bringing growth hacking/ad buying expertise to their eCommerce stores, eventually doing millions of dollars in new revenue selling merch and music for the world’s biggest music store.
We took over one of the smallest eCommerce websites in the entire company and put it in the top 10 of ALL eCommerce stores almost every week we were running campaigns for it 😈
Every week more and more executives joined our weekly “here’s what we did for you this week” zoom call - Whole company wondering how we did it.
Fun note: MASSIVE companies often benefit the best from growth hacking ideas as they are so far from the zeitgeist of what’s working now - So if you can work with massive companies, little tweaks can mean massive results!
You’re obviously not meant to be one of those people who asks the client for freebees in the music biz, but…It was a lifetime dream of mine to go to the grammies.
So, I had to ask.
And guess what, they got me two tickets.
Right at the front/side of stage.
This picture was taken from where we watched it from ( You could see the green roots of Billie Eilish’s hair just out of shot haha)
Like I always say, everyone wants to know about the things that make money.
But the adventure you go on along the way are the memories that last for me.
This was in 2020, just before the lockdown began.
I had no idea this would be my last “event” in America for 2 and a half years!
(This thing called “covid” happened smdh)
Our seats were by the front of the stage (Yep, that’s Alicia Keys presenting an award in front of us
In the 2nd video)
Flava Flav took a selfie with the people sitting with us.
We watched almost every great artist on the planet perform live that day
(Billie Eilish, Usher, Demi Lovato, Aerosmith, Run DMC, Tyler The Creator,
Camila Cabelo etc)
(Shoutout Camila Cabelo for adding me on Facebook one random day a few years ago lol)
I said hi, she saw the post… and a little later she unfriended me - I guess she
Found a different growth hacker to work on her solo career ha)
People say awards shows are just “rich people congratulating each other”
Which completely misses the point
Entertainment and culture are the mediums that shape the world we live,
And every performer I watched that day at the grammies has worked HARD
It’s great to celebrate that.
Every origin story of every artist, athlete or biz person is a story of working hard and making it happen.
You’re a crazy person until you hit that moment where it all works, then you’re a genius.
It’s always been this way, but the internet has supercharged the ability for ANYONE to win big.
I genuinely feel like we don’t appreciate how lucky we are to live in this age.
I listen to music all day, tap away on my laptop, and live a life my ancestors would have dreamed of.
I’ve traveled all over the world, met some of my favourite artists and celebrities, had beef with a few of them (Louis CK, Emmy’s 2017, a story for another day lmao) but am blessed to work for myself and make things happen for those of you who read my posts or are my clients.
The internet brought me from London to LA, then to the grammies, and now I’m about to move back to
I can’t wait to see what happens next!
P.s. I’m throwing a closed door grammies event for established music artists and music industry people THIS WEDNESDAY in Hollywood. Reply to this email or DM me on Instagram if you want to come (I’m not final decider on who comes, and the event is limited to 50 people to ensure quality)
My new book launches soon!
My first book is *still* the best-ever selling growth hacking book on Kickstarter, eventually doing a little under $250,000 in sales.
My second book made $10,000 in it’s first hour.
My third book (and all future books) will not be for sale.
It will only be available to paid subscribers.
It will be a short, actionable guide on how to make money from Chat-GPT.
Sign up to a months’ free trial of my paid Substack and you will receive the book for FREE before the trial ends:
When the “50 ways Chat-GPT can make you $10k+ in 2023” book is ready you will be sent it if you click the above button!
As a reminder, we are building the BEST paid business group on the web.
As a paid subscriber:
You’ll be giving back & supporting me in making more and better posts, and helping me help 1 million entrepreneurs to improve their lives
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Thank you for reading!
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