Use your personal Facebook for business? Read this
A cheatsheet for everyone using "big blue" to make money.
1. See the picture above? You need to be “internet famous”.
There are 100 other people selling the same thing as you, find your own style - What you talk about, how you show up. It takes a while to find your voice, but caring about it is the first step.
2. Put what you do in your Facebook bio so people who you add can see a context for why you’re adding them
(And vice versa, people requesting you will go up as browsers of your profile will be more likely to add you now)
3. Getting clients is very hard.
Start writing down your thoughts/ideas on your industry and outlook every day if you can.
No matter how basic you think it is, it’s probably way more advanced than the clients who need to hear it. And again, +100 context for someone to add you when they see you talk about the things they’re interested in.
4. Your best posts are: Screenshots or posts about clients results. My agency has signed up many clients with these 2 screenshots of business audiences we’ve grown:
5. Pure “how to” value/being useful (like all these Substack posts)
6. Hot takes on things happening in your industry - gossip and “hot takes” gets clicks
7. Don’t accept friend requests from people outside your industry or likely irrelevant people/no mutual friends; they will drag your engagement down
(Like all social networks, Facebook shows your post to a few people, If they engage it shows it to a few more, and so on. If you have irrelevant people who don’t engage this is dead space)
8. Answer
Amazing this needs to be pointed out! SO MANY PEOPLE do not read their messages!
9. If you’re using FB for biz, this is your second inbox.
Check in once a day, ain’t nothing but free opportunity that could be in there (otherwise reply to the first message with your alternate channel, email/whatsapp/whatever if you really dislike messenger, but let people know that!)
10. Don’t share things from Facebook pages to your main profile.
Facebook reduces reach on these significantly as too may people were paying big pages and not running ads
(Your mileage may vary, but from my friends who run meme pages this killed their businesses)
11. Avoid external links (e.g. to your website or Youtube) in posts at all costs, this is another reach killer.
Put it in the first comment. (Yes, I post links to this Substack but less clicks here are worth more on Facebook as I don’t have any other low ticket products to sell on Facebook)
12. It has always confused me when people who use their FB to get clients also talk politics.
I don’t imagine this helps getting clients (lol)
(to be clear, I’m not talking about social issues, I’m talking outright wild insane takes then the next post is one about “I’m available for discovery calls!” As if nothing happened) In short:
People only do biz with people they like.
Don’t give them an unnecessary reason to dislike you
Writing Facebook posts is the reason I’ve never had to do cold outreach or run ads to get clients ever.
What have you found to work for personal Facebook in business?
This post is part of my forthcoming “Organic content bible: $100,000 from 1,000 followers” which will be available to paid subscribers only.
You can get a 30-day free trial for my paid plan and get bonus content, entrance to the private Whatsapp group with me in it, and lots more, here: