Would you invest $20 million in a failed talent show boy band?
A story about one mans' bet on a gut feeling he had.
In 2010, 5 young boys were grouped together and named “One Direction”
They did not win X-Factor.
They were signed to Simon Cowell’s label, but talent show winners rarely did well.
A friend of a friend got offered their branding rights.
For $20 million.
Totally brand new act, no one knew for sure when they’d be releasing music.
Nevertheless, the offer was valid for one week.
One Direction had not been offered a single merch deal, so the risk factor was massive.
$20 million or the deal was off the table.
On the final day, my friend borrowed money off everyone he could and took the deal.
One month later, the very first rights offer came from a brand who wanted to use the One Direction name.
The offer was…almost as much as they had paid for the rights, on the very first deal.
And then many other deals followed.
Needless to say, it changed my friends life.
If you’ve been following YouTube influencer Mr. Beast, you’ll know he spends every dollar he makes each month on making the next months’ videos.
He is in debt to the bank 24/7 while he waits for ad money to catch up.
Richard Branson moved back in with his parents twice…after Virgin!
Elon Musk spent envy penny of the $100million he made from Paypal on his new companies and had to borrow money for rent!
It’s easy to say “But these are big deals, I’m not there”
But the principle is the same.
Sometimes you don’t know for sure whether something will work out.
That’s no reason not to do it.
When you make offers to entrepreneurs, you often hear the likes of:
“I can spend $500 on ads…if you make me double back I have lots more for you!”
Or “I spent $500 on ads once and it didn’t work so I will never do them again”
Things take time
Things take money
Many people prefer to “survive” then take the shots that could make a big difference.
Everyone wants a sure thing, and miss out on opportunities to 10x.
Most content creators who are getting views organically refuse to pay for ads,
When it would double or triple their reach at the lowest possible price point.
I’ve bet the house on people and services many times.
Many times without knowing for sure whether it would work.
Sometimes it has, sometimes it hasn’t, but each one has moved me forward.
Bear it in mind the next time someone makes you an offer that could change your life.
Sometimes it’s worth the risk.
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